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Counterfeit Prada in the market That cleverly doubles the brand and the bags are sold cheaper. Although the sellers try to pass fake Jimmy Choo Handbags thesis Sale Being as authentic, Never Be Able to Reproduce the Same high quality of the seam in the real Prada. 1. Inspect bag. The seam line straight and true Is Always in bags. If the stitching looks loose or twisted, then this is the first indication of a fake Prada bag. Misspelling 2. Inspect bag. The name of the stock market IS going to say "Prada. " Look Closely at the source and the spacing of the letters. If the space looks weird, or if one of the cards HAS Completely different source, Indicate this has counterfeiter. 3. Check the lining of the bag.

Prada bags container has black lining and logo Will Appears in a different shade of black. The word "Prada" also found in the lining. 4. Locate authenticity card inside the bag. Contain a real Prada authenticity card in envelope small black year. The Will Contain a card serial number Along with the style bag. Aim remember, if you're buying a Used Prada bag, this May Not Be available to you. 5. Find the metal tag inside the bag. Authentic Prada bags Contain a metal plate in the lining of the bag. The label reads "Made in Italy Prada. " If the label Appears To Be or Other plastic material, you want to the authenticity of the bag. 6. Check the price.

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