"Any season or occasion is a valid excuse to buy a new purse or handbag. The obsession with handbags hasn’t waned since they’ve been invented. In fact, handbags are now a status symbol; people automatically look for the logo on a handbag instead of at the bag itself just to see what name is currently being paraded around.But names aren’t the only reason Italian leather handbags are so popular. They’re high quality bags, and can take the normal wear and tear of everyday life. Since a handbag is designed to carry a woman’s life inside of it (literally, from medication to snacks, makeup, kids’ homework, keys, money, lotion, and anything else you can think of), it makes sense to want something that can endure that type of pressure.
While at one point Italian leather handbags were somewhat expensive, now they are within anyone’s affordability, making them even more popular.Superior Craftsmanship Like their shoes, Italians take pride in any work that involves leather. But as with shoes, handbags aren’t necessarily limited to leather. While satin, snakeskin and other materials are often used, Italian leather is what’s most popular. This is because of the look and performance of it. It’s so butter soft, and leather stands up against all kinds of harsh conditions. Not to mention it’s very easy to clean and take care of.
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